1) Repair bowel issues. Gastrointestinal dysfunction is one of the most prevalent, chronic ailments people suffer from today, and mainstream medicine’s “solutions” typically provide minimal symptom relief with a whole slew of harmful side effects. However, one of the most effective healing treatments for digestive and bowel disorders is raw juicing, which not only helps eliminate harmful toxins and bacteria from the colon, but also helps heal any damaged tissue or fissures that might be present.
Galina Kotlyar of KnowYourGut.com is one of many who has experienced a powerful health transformation as a result of juicing. Mainstream doctors were unable to cure her severe case of ulcerative colitis, which left her stricken with severe pain, bloody stools, and other life-threatening symptoms that prevented her from eating and drinking normally. But after just three weeks of drinking only freshly-juiced vegetables, performing colonics, and supplementing, the formerly pale, skinny mother returned to a normal weight, and no longer suffers from a life-threatening condition. (http://www.knowyourgut.com/how-juicing-saved-my-life/)
2) Correct nutrient deficiencies. Many chronic illnesses are a direct result of nutrient deficiencies, which can be easily and quickly remedied through juicing. Since they provide an easily-digestible source of a myriad of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, fresh juices are one of the simplest ways to avoid developing heart disease, organ failure, cancer, and various other health conditions that can result in early death.
A major component of the anti-cancer Gerson Diet, for instance, involves juicing nutrient-dense, enzyme-rich fruits and vegetables like cabbage, carrots, apples, and leafy greens. These foods, and the many healing components they possess, naturally assist the body in healing itself. By delivering a steady stream of assimilable nutrients directly into the body, juicing helps ensure that your nutrient stores never run dry. (http://gerson.org/gerpress/the-gerson-therapy/)
3) Kill cancer cells. Specifically with regard to cancer, juicing is one of the easiest and most effective ways to naturally avoid developing this pandemic illness. Numerous scientific studies have found that the nutrients contained in pomegranates, cabbage, broccoli, celery, carrots, and apples, for instance, prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells throughout the body. And because fresh, raw juice contains concentrated doses of these anti-cancer nutrients, it is far more effective therapeutically than eating the same fruits and vegetables whole (as you would have to eat a whole lot more of them).
“Fresh juice is loaded with cancer-fighting phytochemicals and vitamins, in a state easily absorbed by the body,” admits the Stanford University Cancer Institute about the healing power of juicing. (http://cancer.stanford.edu)
4) Lose weight. If being overweight or obese is problematic for you, juicing can help you shed those extra pounds and achieve the weight loss goals you have always desired. Obesity-related illness, according to the U.S. Surgeon General, account for roughly 300,000 deaths every single year, and includes conditions such as coronary heart disease, Type II diabetes, and liver and gallbladder disease, all of which can be avoided through juicing.
Joe Cross, Director and Executive Producer of the film Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, is a living testament to the power of juicing in not only curing obesity, but also in fully reversing the course of declining health that often accompanies being overweight. After just 60 days of raw juice cleansing, Cross lost 100 pounds, and is now in full recovery from other obesity-related health conditions that required him taking copious amounts of pharmaceutical drugs in order to manage. (http://www.fatsickandnearlydead.com/about.html)
5) Improve mood. Mental illness is becoming more prevalent in today’s world, and a common, but often unrecognized, cause of this category of disease is simple nutrient deficiency. If left unaddressed, mental illnesses caused by nutrient deficiency can take a serious toll on physical health, which is why it is important to correct it early through juicing and other nutritional means.
“Vitamins act as catalytic agents in the body, helping to speed up the chemical processes vital for both survival and brain function,” explains Dr. Hyla Cass in her book St. John’s Wort: Nature’s Blues Buster, which highlights the importance of nutrition in maintaining a healthy mental state. “As a result, vitamin deficiencies can sometimes manifest themselves as depression. Fortunately, when these deficiencies are treated with supplements (or juicing!), there is a reversal in symptoms.” (http://www.globalhealingcenter.com)
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